19% of Government Tenders Reserved for Backward Castes in Karnataka


reservation in tenders


Reservation in Government Tenders for OBC

Good News for Backward Castes!! Karnataka Government has amended the KTPP Act.

Out of all tenders not exceeding One Crore rupees, 4 percent of tenders are reserved for Category 1 Castes & 15 percent of tenders are reserved for Category 2A castes.

The purpose of making this amendment, is to overcome the unemployment problem in the Backward Classes and to encourage their participation in Government Construction works of up to one crore rupees.

The amendment made is as follows below,

“The tender inviting authority shall, in the notified Departments out of those construction works, value of which does not exceed
rupees one crore such number of works not exceeding 4 percent be tendered only among the tenderers belonging to the backward castes as specified in Category 1 as Backward Classes and such number of works not exceeding 15 percent to be tendered only among tenderers belonging to backward castes as specified in Category 2A as Backward Classes notified by the Government, by taking out notices, communications and publications required.”

The government has also put a condition, of the reserved tenders published, if no one participates for 2 consecutive times, then it can be re called among general category. This procedure is prescribed in the bill as below
“Provided also that, if no tender from persons belonging to the Category 1 and Category 2A of Backward Classes as the case may be, is received in response to the invitation in two attempts such works may be tendered among others.

In the bill they have also explained who is category 1 and category 2A. Its as shown below

“Explanation: For the purpose of above provisos,-
1. Category-I shall mean the backward classes specified as Category-I in the
orders issued by the State Government from time to time without
considering the income criteria.
2. Category-II (A) shall mean the backward classes specified as Category-II (A) in the
orders issued by the State Government from time to time without considering the
income criteria.”


This amendment, can be a major turning point for Backward Castes in Karnataka. A sizable portion of government contracts will now be reserved only for them, it gives power to the OBC Communities and develops their business spirit. This initiative has the potential to change and boost the economic participation of OBC castes. Thus, paving the way for greater social inclusion.

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